Friday, June 24, 2011


"When an emotional injury takes place,
the body begins a process
as natural as the healing
of a physical wound"

 - Mel Colgrove,
from How to Survive the Loss of a Love

  Tonight's story is about Lia and Ben. They had been a couple for about two months. Those two months for Lia, are the  happiest, hardest and most educational months that she has experienced. 

 For her, Ben was the only boy that she would ever love.  Her world revolves only around him that's why when things between them are over, Lia was so down. The next day after their break up, Lia tried to make herself look great to let Ben realize what he had lost. She even talked to him and acted like she was not in pain. But when she's all alone, all she could do is cry herself to sleep every night.

 He was the only thing she thought, dreamt and talked about.  She felt so incomplete knowing that her other half was with him.  She was so hurt knowing that his past love had been dating other girls that's why, she was throwing herself with other guys as well.

 Time goes by and things started to change. She was enjoying herself with her friends. She made herself busy. She discovered things she liked doing. She had fun by herself, letting a whole day passed by without thinking of Ben.

 She was ready to see Ben again but still, not ready to be friends with him. She knew she was still healing. 

 Fortunately, she had been able to move on and found a new love. The wonderful thing she learned now is that  she knows how to be a whole person, not half a couple.  She's in a new relationship now and was happy with it. But she never kept out of her mind about the possible break up, the possible pain and the possible way of moving on.

 As what the famous quote had told, " Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all"


 This story had told me a valuable lesson and it's about self love. Everyone of us, surely, had experience the power of loving. Loving someone whom we thought would be our only world. Someone who had been a big part of our life. Someone who completes us.

 I admit, I was like Lia before. I loved someone so much that I even thought, I would never ever thought that I would be able to move on from that relationship.

 Good thing I was able to learn the value of self love.  I did all the stuffs that could make me happy. Going to malls, spending time with friends, hanging out with guys and praying.

 At first, I cried all the hurt away, boozing out almost every day. I know all it take is to let myself heal in a slow but sure way.

 Eventually, I had moved on and now, like Lia, had found a new love. Yes, I do love him way too much but I never kept myself from sticking to reality. Breaking up with him is never impossible. 

 However, I am still loving without thinking about what had happened in the past. I know, if shit happened, if I will be pushed to the ground again, and if my heart will be broken AGAIN, I will be able to get up and move on. 

 After all, loving more or loving less will still give pain. So why just not love as if you've never been hurt, right? 

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